If you had all your needs met, what would you do with your time?
Transform Your LifeStyle and Step Into a New Paradigm of Living!
Transforming culture through Systems Thinking is the fast track to Creating Impact!
Why train everyone to be better drivers if you can make a driverless car?
Why all the studying and time spent on an economy that isn’t working instead of focusing on building A New Society?
What if we could tell you that we are on the precipice of achieving True Systemic Change while Building a New Economy that promotes Social Good in Action?
What if you found out that these systems have been road tested and A New Paradigm is Here.
What if there was a New Organizational Model that helped foster building a New Earth while allowing us to live an Eco-Friendly Lifestyle and build a New Global Economy Based on Sharing?
What if we had fun doing it!
The world is being transformed through the building of New Paradigm Living Centers, implementing Debt Free Currencies, Organizational Structures, and Innovative Societal Frameworks that Solve Global Challenges.
Now is the time to get involved…
See the Video Below to experience a New Paradigm of Business and Life.
Welcome to the Regenerative Movement!
New Paradigm Centers
Once matched and in synergy:
Come to exotic locations and explore New Earth Retreats, Events and Packages!!
Regenerative Economies
Build an Regenerative Economy for Your Village based on Your ETHOS
Sign in to find out how!
Green Earth Vision is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization here to promote a society built on contribution, philanthropy, and self-organized models. We provide a way forward when current economic systems break down.
Submit the form above to find out how you can use A New Society Frameworks to help you:
Learn more about Whole Living Systems and the Teal Paradigm.
Finance your Village, Green City, New Paradigm Living Center, or other Ventures.
ETHOS technology (Emergent Thriving Holonic Organizational Structure) can help you build your organization so it can work smoothly inside of an Ecosystem.
Fiscal Sponsor your project.
Organize your team, team build, create agreement fields, and ensure success as we step Out of a Paradigm of Distraction, chaos, and hijacking Into one of Synergy, Innovation, Coherency, and Flow.