Green Earth City Overview
Green Earth City is a concept plan for a consciously planned futuristic city that will be an example of how all cities can be built. Currently there are many “smart cities” and “sustainable cities” being planned and built, but are they consciously planned, or just another scheme for an owner and controller to get rich?
We invite you to explore the operating system that has been built for OmniOne (a sister project that is in this website) as this is the operating system that will help ensure Green Earth City is a success!
Revolutionary transportation
Transportation such as the HumanCar (A human/electric hybrid LMV) have their home in Green Earth City. These revolutionary transportation system make travel fun, effective, and empowering all while doing it at zero emissions.
Social Architecture
Using synergy matching algorithms, stewardship models that allow us to move around easily, self-driven decision making, and gamified lifestyle, we are providing the foundation for a culture by design to emerge.
tribal economics
Economies are the sum total of the goods and services within the City. We want to make sure that we keep the resources within the city and not leaving the city. We want to make sure that the bankers and the farmers both get reciprocated fairly for their services. We all work together and together we share our abundance!
and much more… Contact Us by sending an email to to join our Green City Consortium. We look forward to forming new alliances that can help make this dream a reality~